
Our fees and charges are based on flat charges for specific tasks, or on a time spent basis, depending on the nature of the work. In each case we provide a costing or estimate at the time of taking instructions.

For some clients with long term needs, we suggest a semi-annual retainer. Retainers are tailored to suit the particular clients' need, and are adjusted as required.

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Phasellus eget tellus eu ante posuere lobortis. Aliquam molestie erat in lacus blandit scelerisque. Aliquam maximus vel metus nec pulvinar. Sed ut nunc purus. Aenean sagittis metus at lorem hendrerit gravida. Curabitur laoreet tempor dui ac sodales. Phasellus gravida urna sed lacus molestie, in scelerisque eros ullamcorper. Maecenas viverra vestibulum congue. Nunc feugiat dolor et dui aliquam, ac sollicitudin sem finibus.